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[gtCD] الدورة التدريبية إدارة الاعمال المصرفية والاستثمار مكان الانعقاد : القاهرة – شرم الشيخ خلال الفترة من 12 الي 16 فبراير 2017 م

الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية

بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية

الدورة التدريبية

إدارة الاعمال المصرفية والاستثمار

مكان الانعقاد : القاهرة – شرم الشيخ

خلال الفترة من 12  الي 16 فبراير  2017 م


يهدف إلى تأهيل المشاركة للعمل في القطاع المصرفي من خلال إكسابها المعارف والمهارات الأساسية  بالأنشطة والوظائف المختلفة للبنوك التجارية وتحليل أهدافها واستراتيجياتها.

مستهدفين في ذلك:

العاملات حالياً في قطاع البنوك والمصارف وشركات استثمار الأموال .
خريجات الجامعات والمعاهد الاتي  يبحثن عن فرص وظيفية مستقبلية في القطاع المصرفي


والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.

تأكيد المشاركة

يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران علماً بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى للفرد

علي فاكس رقم 0020237800573 او0020235866323 اوعلي

بريدي الإلكتروني






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[gtCD] Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 073 - Sementeira da Fraternidade

Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 073 - Sementeira da Fraternidade

(Copiar o link e colar em outra aba do seu navegador)!qV1UmCxJ!qx7e788o-YrD5i8pfz16eELA-xeus8_XCMAyZ3G5PE0



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Fwd: Us congress hearing of maan alsaan Money laundry قضية الكونغجرس لغسيل الأموال للمليادير معن الصانع


YouTube videos of


 U.S. Congress money laundering hearing


Saudi Billionaire  " Maan  Al sanea"

 with bank of America

and  The  owner of Saad Hospital and  Schools

 in the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia


and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Awal Bank  in Bahrain

With Arabic Subtitles



موقع اليوتيوب الذي عرض جلسة استماع الكونجرس الأمريكي

 لمتابعة نشاطات غسل الأموال ونشاطات


السعودي معن عبدالواحد الصانع


مالك مستشفى  وشركة سعد  ومدارس سعد بالمنطقة الشرقية بالسعودية   ورئيس مجلس ادارة بنك اوال البحريني


مترجم باللغة العربية



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[gtCD] The fifth arabian conference of management development and general policies Istanbul - Turkey Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016


Arab House for Administrative Development invites you to attend


The International Federation of Human Development Institutions

ELITTE WORLD Istanbul hotel hosting the Conference OF Arab HOUSE FOR Administrative Development at the fifth annual administrative development of government institutions under the policy title in December Please see the

Thread the nomination is convenient for you from your destination esteemed cadres to participate in:


The fifth arabian conference of management development and general policies


Istanbul - Turkey

Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016




Struggling governments seek to solve the problems of citizens and responding to the diverse Mtalehm through a set of plans and programs (called policy) aimed to achieve a number of benefits and alleviate the suffering of the majority of them, and not only that, but to ensure continued this policy development process to ensure a lasting solution to the problems of citizens and ensure the speedy provision of these solutions, and can not be guaranteed only through the possession of a full concept of how an event which occurs fusion between thought and administrative practice on the one hand and information technology on the other hand, where accommodate development activities and operations process and their dealings in ways that granted new properties in form and content and impact.


• The conference also aims to

• Identify public policy in the knowledge society. View of the methods of integration between digital systems and administrative systems. Exploring the future and trends of administrative development in the light of developments in information technology. Opportunities to shift towards the construction of information systems applications. Showing the problems of transformation towards e-governance systems and applications.


Note that the themes of the conference will include the first axis: informatics, management and public policy, and the second axis: E-Government Business Administration and its relation to public policy, and Axis III: development strategies in public policies and their relationship to the development of management using information and communication technology, and Axis IV: integration of information and the needs of enterprises and hardware systems governmental organizations.


The target for the conference are:

Heads and members of boards of directors, general managers, in different ministries. Departments of human resources development managers, personnel and training and development and administrative staff. Specialist information systems and personnel in the areas of e-governance in ministries, agencies, institutions and organizations, banks, associations, councils, public and private sector companies and factories applications.


Conference papers:

Dar also pleased to receive the innovative research of high-level, whether by experts in the field, or by the master's and doctoral students and scholars in this aspect, where they will be arbitration this research by a committee of professors specialized in the field, and will be placed within the conference papers that take into account the criteria scientific and methodological research and writing out a list of references, and will allow the owners of some of these Alooracdmha to events and conference sessions, knowing that each paper will be accepted will be charged 25% of the value of attending the conference.


And on this occasion we are pleased to invite you to participate and mainstream discourse on the theme of the conference interested in and let us know who you propose to invite them to note that the $ 1,000 fee to participate. US per capita.


For more information please contact with

Deputy Director of Training

A / Sarah Abdel Gawad

Mobile: 00201112694608

Tel: 0020237800693-0020237800583

Fax: 0020237800573 to 0020235866323




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[gtCD] SOON The fifth arab conference of management development and general policies Istanbul - Turkey Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016


Arab House for Administrative Development invites you to attend


The International Federation of Human Development Institutions

ELITTE WORLD Istanbul hotel hosting the Conference OF Arab HOUSE FOR Administrative Development at the fifth annual administrative development of government institutions under the policy title in December Please see the

Thread the nomination is convenient for you from your destination esteemed cadres to participate in:


The fifth arab conference of management development and general policies


Istanbul - Turkey

Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016




Struggling governments seek to solve the problems of citizens and responding to the diverse Mtalehm through a set of plans and programs (called policy) aimed to achieve a number of benefits and alleviate the suffering of the majority of them, and not only that, but to ensure continued this policy development process to ensure a lasting solution to the problems of citizens and ensure the speedy provision of these solutions, and can not be guaranteed only through the possession of a full concept of how an event which occurs fusion between thought and administrative practice on the one hand and information technology on the other hand, where accommodate development activities and operations process and their dealings in ways that granted new properties in form and content and impact.


• The conference also aims to

• Identify public policy in the knowledge society. View of the methods of integration between digital systems and administrative systems. Exploring the future and trends of administrative development in the light of developments in information technology. Opportunities to shift towards the construction of information systems applications. Showing the problems of transformation towards e-governance systems and applications.


Note that the themes of the conference will include the first axis: informatics, management and public policy, and the second axis: E-Government Business Administration and its relation to public policy, and Axis III: development strategies in public policies and their relationship to the development of management using information and communication technology, and Axis IV: integration of information and the needs of enterprises and hardware systems governmental organizations.


The target for the conference are:

Heads and members of boards of directors, general managers, in different ministries. Departments of human resources development managers, personnel and training and development and administrative staff. Specialist information systems and personnel in the areas of e-governance in ministries, agencies, institutions and organizations, banks, associations, councils, public and private sector companies and factories applications.


Conference papers:

Dar also pleased to receive the innovative research of high-level, whether by experts in the field, or by the master's and doctoral students and scholars in this aspect, where they will be arbitration this research by a committee of professors specialized in the field, and will be placed within the conference papers that take into account the criteria scientific and methodological research and writing out a list of references, and will allow the owners of some of these Alooracdmha to events and conference sessions, knowing that each paper will be accepted will be charged 25% of the value of attending the conference.


And on this occasion we are pleased to invite you to participate and mainstream discourse on the theme of the conference interested in and let us know who you propose to invite them to note that the $ 1,000 fee to participate. US per capita.


For more information please contact with

Deputy Director of Training

A / Sarah Abdel Gawad

Mobile: 00201112694608

Tel: 0020237800693-0020237800583

Fax: 0020237800573 to 0020235866323




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[gtCD] 1ª Desconferência de Cultura de Santa Catarina será nesta quinta-feira, em Florianópolis

A 1ª Desconferência Cultura de Santa Catarina será realizada na próxima quinta-feira (15/12), a partir das 16h, no Palácio Cruz e Souza.
O evento aberto, gratuito, e recomendado para todas as pessoas interessadas nos rumos da cultura e da política no país.
Mais informações a seguir. Divulgue em suas redes e principalmente, participe!

Thiago Skárnio []

1ª Desconferência de Cultura de Santa Catarina
será nesta quinta-feira, em Florianópolis

Evento aberto da Frente em Defesa da Cultura Catarinense para debater os rumos da política cultural no Estado será realizado no auditório e nos jardins do Museu Histórico de Santa Catarina - Palácio Cruz e Souza na próxima quinta-feira (15/12), em Florianópolis.

Realizado de forma colaborativa, o objetivo da 1ª Desconferência de Cultura de Santa Catarina é reunir trabalhadores da cultura, organizações da sociedade civil, e público para debater políticas para a área e rearticular a própria Frente em Defesa da Cultura Catarinense, um movimento que agrega pessoas e organizações que militam por políticas públicas de fomento e acesso aos bens culturais.

Desconferências são fóruns autogestionados que, mesmo possuindo uma mesa para a introdução de temas, não só permite como estimula a fala de todos os participantes. Além dos debates, a 1ª Desconferência de Cultura de Santa Catarina será encerrada com o espetáculo "Récita – tudo aquilo que chama a atenção, atrai e prende o olhar" de Barbara Biscaro e Fernando Bresolin.

Acesse a pré-programação:

Fonte: Agência Ganesha

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[gtCD] الدورة التدريبية أساليب المتابعة وإعداد تقارير الإدارة العليا القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية خلال الفترة من 22 الى 26 يناير2017 م

الدار العربية للتنمية الادارية

بالتعاون مع

الإتحاد الدولي لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية

الدورة التدريبية

أساليب المتابعة وإعداد تقارير الإدارة العليا

القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية

خلال الفترة من 22 الى 26 يناير2017 م


يهدف البرنامج الي :  استخدام أساليب المتابعة .المتابعة بأستخدام الحاسب الآلي .تحليل المشكلات .إعداد تقارير الإدارة العليا .


المدعوون للمشاركة:

   الذين تتطلب أعمالهم متابعة الإداء وإعداد تقارير الإدارة العليا .


والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.

تأكيد المشاركة

يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران علماً بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى للفرد

علي فاكس رقم 0020237800573 او0020235866323 اوعلي

بريدي الإلكتروني









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[gtCD] Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 072 - Seara do Bem

Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 072 - Seara do Bem

(Copiar o link e colar em outra aba do seu navegador)!DdVBBT7C!HeZ9QthbQeqN3K-cNssKTBlx1Sha91TB3ph-UCtut5M



Home Page:



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[gtCD] The fifth arab conference of management development and general policies Istanbul - Turkey Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016


Arab House for Administrative Development invites you to attend


The International Federation of Human Development Institutions

ELITTE WORLD Istanbul hotel hosting the Conference OF Arab HOUSE FOR Administrative Development at the fifth annual administrative development of government institutions under the policy title in December Please see the

Thread the nomination is convenient for you from your destination esteemed cadres to participate in:


The fifth arab conference of management development and general policies


Istanbul - Turkey

Duration of the session: during the period from 25 to December 29, 2016




Struggling governments seek to solve the problems of citizens and responding to the diverse Mtalehm through a set of plans and programs (called policy) aimed to achieve a number of benefits and alleviate the suffering of the majority of them, and not only that, but to ensure continued this policy development process to ensure a lasting solution to the problems of citizens and ensure the speedy provision of these solutions, and can not be guaranteed only through the possession of a full concept of how an event which occurs fusion between thought and administrative practice on the one hand and information technology on the other hand, where accommodate development activities and operations process and their dealings in ways that granted new properties in form and content and impact.


• The conference also aims to

• Identify public policy in the knowledge society. View of the methods of integration between digital systems and administrative systems. Exploring the future and trends of administrative development in the light of developments in information technology. Opportunities to shift towards the construction of information systems applications. Showing the problems of transformation towards e-governance systems and applications.


Note that the themes of the conference will include the first axis: informatics, management and public policy, and the second axis: E-Government Business Administration and its relation to public policy, and Axis III: development strategies in public policies and their relationship to the development of management using information and communication technology, and Axis IV: integration of information and the needs of enterprises and hardware systems governmental organizations.


The target for the conference are:

Heads and members of boards of directors, general managers, in different ministries. Departments of human resources development managers, personnel and training and development and administrative staff. Specialist information systems and personnel in the areas of e-governance in ministries, agencies, institutions and organizations, banks, associations, councils, public and private sector companies and factories applications.


Conference papers:

Dar also pleased to receive the innovative research of high-level, whether by experts in the field, or by the master's and doctoral students and scholars in this aspect, where they will be arbitration this research by a committee of professors specialized in the field, and will be placed within the conference papers that take into account the criteria scientific and methodological research and writing out a list of references, and will allow the owners of some of these Alooracdmha to events and conference sessions, knowing that each paper will be accepted will be charged 25% of the value of attending the conference.


And on this occasion we are pleased to invite you to participate and mainstream discourse on the theme of the conference interested in and let us know who you propose to invite them to note that the $ 1,000 fee to participate. US per capita.


For more information please contact with

Deputy Director of Training

A / Sarah Abdel Gawad

Mobile: 00201112694608

Tel: 0020237800693-0020237800583

Fax: 0020237800573 to 0020235866323




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[gtCD] Fwd: [cryptorave-boletim] A CryptoRave inicia hoje a chamada de trabalhos para sua 4ª edição, em 2017!


Thiago Skárnio []

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: CryptoRave <>
Data: 5 de dezembro de 2016 18:38
Assunto: [cryptorave-boletim] A CryptoRave inicia hoje a chamada de trabalhos para sua 4ª edição, em 2017!

A CryptoRave é o maior evento de segurança e privacidade do Brasil. Organizada voluntariamente, aberta e gratuita, o evento anual tem o objetivo de disseminar a criptografia, o direito à privacidade, a cultura de segurança, noções de anonimato e os perigos da vigilância por Estados e empresas.

O início das inscrições de propostas de atividade será dia 05 de dezembro de 2016 com prazo final de 31 de março de 2017, à meia-noite. Não deixe para a última hora!

A abertura de inscrições para trabalho voluntário durante o evento - uma nobre e fundamental atividade com a qual temos muito orgulho de contar - será em abril de 2017.

A realização de atividades em grande número, como fazemos na CryptoRave, requer recursos. Estimule a sua comunidade a colaborar com o financiamento coletivo do evento.

Para mais informações sobre o Chamado Para Atividades (CPA), acesse:

* * *

Proposição de atividades

A CryptoRave aceita e estimula a inscrição de atividades em diversos formatos: apresentação musical, literatura, exibição de filme ou instalação artística, palestra, debate, oficina, jogo, mão-na-massa, colaboração em projeto FOSS (free/libre/open software/source), exposição.

A CryptoRave desde sua primeira edição tem uma explícita política anti-assédio e o compromisso de manter um espaço seguro para mulheres, pessoas LGBTQ e quaisquer outras minorias sociais. Incentivamos que estas pessoas enviem atividades e se envolvam nos trabalhos voluntários do evento.

Para submeter a sua proposta, você deve primeiro criar uma conta neste site (ver abaixo) e depois criar um evento.O preenchimento de dados pessoais como nome, sobrenome e sexo é opcional. É necessário um e-mail válido.

Todas as propostas serão avaliadas considerando:

- Adequação aos temas: privacidade, segurança e criptografia
- Diversidade de gênero, geográfica e de formato
- Inovação da proposta
- Atualidade da proposta
- As atividades que forem merchandising de produtos serão automaticamente desclassificadas.
- Não há compensação financeira ou contrapartida da CryptoRave para a realização de atividades.
- Não serão aceitas propostas enviadas por outros meios como twitter e facebook ou fora do prazo estipulado.
- Dúvidas devem ser encaminhadas para o e-mail: contato ARROBA

Sugestões de temas e tópicos para as atividades

- Criptografia: do básico ao avançado. Teoria e implementações.
- Segurança para ativistas e defensores de direitos humanos.
- Segurança para cidadãos e consumidores na era da Informação.
- Gênero e Privacidade: diversidade na segurança digital.
- Violações do direito a privacidade e liberdade de expressão.
- Como governos violam a privacidade: espionagem e vigilância no Brasil e no mundo.
- Como empresas violam a privacidade: coleta de dados, lucro e direito do consumidor.
- A contra ofensiva cidadã: hacking, hacktivismo, hacking das coisas, fuzzing, exploits e segurança ofensiva.
- Hardware, cripto dispositivos e open hardware.
- Ciberguerra e ativismo cibernético na rede.
- Hardening de sistemas operacionais.
- Soberania computacional, descentralização e federação de redes.
- Dissidentes políticos, denunciantes e vazamentos de informações – sistemas tecnológicos e éticos.
- Sistemas eletrônicos de governos e vulnerabilidades.

Registre a sua atividade:


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[gtCD] Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 071 - S.O.S. Família

Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 071 - S.O.S. Família

(Copiar o link e colar em outra aba do seu navegador)!HANCWDoQ!no2sTTSoKZOCxIgalgGzGkZ7rbd1mqiXWM3ElKsZbFE



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[gtCD] Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 071 - S.O.S. Família

Divaldo Pereira Franco - Áudio Livro - 071 - S.O.S. Família

(Copiar o link e colar em outra aba do seu navegador)!HANCWDoQ!no2sTTSoKZOCxIgalgGzGkZ7rbd1mqiXWM3ElKsZbFE



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[gtCD] O Espiritismo de Kardec aos dias de hoje - FILME COMPLETO

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